A Queen of a charismatic future

A Queen of a charismatic future

This book is not just another run-of-the-mill female empowerment book. With this book, you are in for an extraordinary journey of uncovering the inner strength with which women can finally take ownership of their life and be their true selves – powerful Queens!

Now is the time for strong and confident women to step up into the spotlight. The time is ripe for women to realize who they truly are, tap into their talents and strengths, and make their mark in this, still more often than not, man's world. 

Are you seeking your own path of awakening? Have you been knocked down by life time and time again, but feel like now is the right time to rise from the ashes like a phoenix? Have you heard the clarion call to step into your power and become a woman who has the chutzpah to go out into the world and declare who she is and what she wants instead of asking for permission first? If so, then this book – a mystical story of awakening interwoven with straightforward action steps to build confidence, and real-life examples of female empowerment – is exactly what you need!

This remarkable book will support you on your quest by:

  • providing a blueprint for your life’s mission and purpose
  • pinpointing the beliefs every woman needs to embrace in order to take ownership of her life
  • highlighting the key strengths and skills of confident women
  • pointing out the outdated rules modern society imposes on women to disempower them
  • illustrating techniques for coping with guilt, fear, and other uncomfortable emotions
  • showing you ways to put yourself first
  • helping you identify manipulators and people trying to knock you down a peg
  • unmasking your amazing inner truth, and guiding you on your journey of awakening your inner Queen

It is time for powerful women!

  • price: 28.21 GBP
  • Pages: 433
  • Hard copy
  • Author: Michael Zmahar
  • Literary genre: non-fiction

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To order, write to us at michael@michaelzmahar.com


With his unique approach, Michael Zmahar, born in Slovenia, Europe, is one of the most insightful personal growth and spiritual teachers of the new age. Not long into his spiritual journey, he made the realization that in order to raise the collective consciousness and teach people how to manifest a life of power and influence the available toolset needed to be reinvented.

Over the years, his seminars have helped tens of thousands of people overcome their mental blocks and move forward in life. Described by many as life-changing, his books take a uniquely straightforward, no-nonsense approach, driving home that now is the time for advanced knowledge to uplift humanity’s consciousness.

An author extraordinaire, highly inspirational speaker, and top-tier coach, he helps people recognize who they really are and tap into their potential. Find out more about Michael on his website www.michaelzmahar.com